Forgiveness: The Primary Currency of Relationships

We live in a culture where apologizing is done when we have been caught doing something wrong. The general idea is that we live our life well, not needing to seek forgiveness or say, “I’m sorry”, except on rare occasions where we don’t have other options.

Forgiveness is rarely used. Defensiveness and posturing are seen as acceptable alternatives to forgiveness. Judgement and accountability are often used as cover for power and control in relationships.

Jesus communicates something completely different about forgiveness. It is the primary currency of relationships. It is meant to be moving back and forth freely in our interactions. It is designed to be given and received often.

The reality is that you and I fall and stumble in many ways all the time. It is freeing to let forgiveness flow every day, in real time situations. One time, Jesus was asked how many times a person should forgive another person, even for the same offense. Jesus response was, “unlimited.”

What I hear Jesus saying is that we are to bring forgiveness to every situation and every relationship all the time. This is where the rub often occurs. Questions like, “How can I ever forgive them for what they have done?” become a real challenge.

What is the alternative to forgiveness? Is it anger, being defined by hurt, pain or a hard spirit? The alternatives of not forgiving turn into real burdens in our lives.

We are not the source of forgiveness. God is. He is unlimited in giving forgiveness. He will also give us the capacity to give and receive forgiveness in every relationship for every situation.

The benefits of forgiveness are real. Through forgiving people we tend to enjoy a greater awareness of the needs of others and experience God’s peace in our lives. We are able to recognize that all of us need grace in our lives. When we forgive, we are not consumed with bitterness, but rather, experience contentment in our lives.

Let forgiveness become the primary currency that is exchanged in your relationships and experience the life and health that comes from it.