The car needs work, the house needs a makeover, vacation plans needs to be made, it is time to upgrade to the newest technology, investments need to be adjusted for better returns, and the list goes on…. It can be exhausting…
In the midst of it all, one’s focus on God can get easily lost or put into the background of life.
The author of the proverbs has a really clear thing to say about all of this: Better to have little, with fear for the Lord, than to have great treasure and inner turmoil. Proverbs 15:16
The author of this proverb makes it very clear, that if there is only one choice, choose a simple life with a strong focus on God and His ways of living. Do not let all the things that can get in our way of keeping a strong focus on God take over and dominate us.
Speaker and writer, Bob Goff, combats this tendency to be consumed with everything but God with a simple approach: “quit something Thursdays”. On Thursdays he reviews all that he is committed and obligated to and simply chooses something to quit doing. He recognizes that life, left to itself, produces too much stuff, and we need to be intentional about cutting back and staying focused on the most important things.
Today, consider what keeps you up at night. Why does it have a greater priority than God in life? Evaluate the words of Proverbs 15:16. Try Bob Goff’s strategy – quit or give up things that are cluttering your heart and mind. Today is a good day to start.