I am at my best with people when I am thoughtful. Thoughtfulness makes for healthier relationships and more effective results. Yet, the truth is, in the crush of production and responsibilities, this much-needed quality in life is often moved to the side, or even discarded.
In relationships, thoughtfulness simply means consideration for the needs of other people. Attention to others takes time. For some, it comes more naturally, but for most of us, it is a discipline that needs to be incorporated into our lives.
In results, thoughtfulness is about deliberative thinking. It answers questions like “How do we get from point A to B? How can this be done in a way that is the most helpful to everyone involved? How will results improve, if, before we act, we spend time thinking on the healthiest path forward?”
I serve as the Executive Director of Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center (WBC). The time came where we needed to update the property site plan with the government. As we started through the process, we learned that many people from different perspectives in our community and region had interest and passion about how the property would be developed over time.
We made a decision, that to this day, I am so grateful for. The simple decision was to be thoughtful, take our time, be considerate of others, and think through the healthiest path forward. We hoped, that with God’s help, we would get there together, with community, region and government.
This decision added significant time to the process. I will never forget the day when the WBC team was joined with representatives from the community and government to present a property development plan that had broad base support. It was something all of us did together. Good relationships and great results.
One of the key commitments to this outcome was a pace of thoughtfulness.
The bible talks about the value of considering the interests of others above our own interests. This was clearly the example of Jesus Christ. The book of Proverbs celebrates the role of wisdom, which is often the outcome of deliberative thinking.
Thoughtfulness has a pace. It takes time. Don’t be fooled by the impression that “this is slowing us down.” Thoughtfulness builds momentum and strength in both relationships and results that exceed expectations and provide healthier outcomes for the long run.
Would you like better relationships and healthier results? Consider adjusting your life to the pace of thoughtfulness.