
Speaking words of thankfulness and appreciation is life changing for everyone involved. Let me explain…

For the one speaking words of gratitude, there is a focus on what is important, lasting and life changing. Good words, spoken, promote good thinking. Good words, spoken, improve the quality of life for the one doing the speaking.

For the one receiving words of thankfulness and appreciation, there is an increased sense of personal value and worth. Affirmation encourages hope. Encouragement ups the odds on people finishing what they start.

One of the things I appreciate so much about God is that He is for us. He wants the best for us. He offers us hope and provides encouragement. His Word, the Bible, is full of encouragement, thankfulness and gratitude.

I have grown up in the Stanwood Camano Community. I am full of appreciation and gratitude for being part of this growing area. There is so much that is right and good. We have a community full of people wanting to make a positive difference in other people’s lives.

I am grateful…

You are with me, Thank you

Dear Jesus,

This morning I am working hard at just meeting with you. I get so distracted so easily. Thank you for waiting so patiently to be with me as, I, like a squirmy child, try to settle in.

As a grandfather, I see my grandchildren squirrel around, and I watch their parents try to manage all that energy. What do I do? Sometimes I just smile or even laugh. If it seems appropriate, I help. At other times I contribute to the energy of the grandkids (to the parents’ frustrated delight).

I wonder, is that what you do with me? Do you treasure the relationship so much that you enter into it right where I am at? It is amazing to think, that you, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the three in one, would enter into my world in such a way.

The truth is, I am living in your world. The one you created. Yet, you come into the world that you created, all the way into my little space, and you dwell with me. You are there when I do focus on just you. You are there when I am hopelessly distracted by every other thing that comes by me.

Thank you Almighty God for meeting me right here, this morning.

One of the challenges I experience as a father and leader is the misperception that I am not approachable or not interested in the everyday happenings of the people I live and serve with. It appears that the way you overcome that misperception is that you keep entering in to my world by choice.

I don’t think I could approach you if you didn’t approach me first. You are sovereign, holy, righteous, pure, truth, love, grace, forgiveness, justice, mercy, and creator….and that is just the beginning. How could I every approach you? I have no right on my own. No standing on my own. I have fallen and stumbled in so many ways.
Thank you for coming to me. Thank you for making it so easy for me to be able to come to you. Thank you for accepting me right where I am at, and then working with me from there. Thank you for giving me the right to be in your presence. Thank you for giving me standing in your presence. It is all because of you and your continued pursuit of me that I am with you today.

Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for your presence in my life today. Thank you for being with me this morning.

In Jesus name,


The Pace of Thoughtfulness

I am at my best with people when I am thoughtful. Thoughtfulness makes for healthier relationships and more effective results. Yet, the truth is, in the crush of production and responsibilities, this much-needed quality in life is often moved to the side, or even discarded.

In relationships, thoughtfulness simply means consideration for the needs of other people. Attention to others takes time. For some, it comes more naturally, but for most of us, it is a discipline that needs to be incorporated into our lives.

In results, thoughtfulness is about deliberative thinking. It answers questions like “How do we get from point A to B? How can this be done in a way that is the most helpful to everyone involved? How will results improve, if, before we act, we spend time thinking on the healthiest path forward?”

I serve as the Executive Director of Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center (WBC). The time came where we needed to update the property site plan with the government. As we started through the process, we learned that many people from different perspectives in our community and region had interest and passion about how the property would be developed over time.

We made a decision, that to this day, I am so grateful for. The simple decision was to be thoughtful, take our time, be considerate of others, and think through the healthiest path forward. We hoped, that with God’s help, we would get there together, with community, region and government.

This decision added significant time to the process. I will never forget the day when the WBC team was joined with representatives from the community and government to present a property development plan that had broad base support. It was something all of us did together. Good relationships and great results.

One of the key commitments to this outcome was a pace of thoughtfulness.

The bible talks about the value of considering the interests of others above our own interests. This was clearly the example of Jesus Christ. The book of Proverbs celebrates the role of wisdom, which is often the outcome of deliberative thinking.

Thoughtfulness has a pace. It takes time. Don’t be fooled by the impression that “this is slowing us down.” Thoughtfulness builds momentum and strength in both relationships and results that exceed expectations and provide healthier outcomes for the long run.

Would you like better relationships and healthier results? Consider adjusting your life to the pace of thoughtfulness.

Forgiveness: The Primary Currency of Relationships

We live in a culture where apologizing is done when we have been caught doing something wrong. The general idea is that we live our life well, not needing to seek forgiveness or say, “I’m sorry”, except on rare occasions where we don’t have other options.

Forgiveness is rarely used. Defensiveness and posturing are seen as acceptable alternatives to forgiveness. Judgement and accountability are often used as cover for power and control in relationships.

Jesus communicates something completely different about forgiveness. It is the primary currency of relationships. It is meant to be moving back and forth freely in our interactions. It is designed to be given and received often.

The reality is that you and I fall and stumble in many ways all the time. It is freeing to let forgiveness flow every day, in real time situations. One time, Jesus was asked how many times a person should forgive another person, even for the same offense. Jesus response was, “unlimited.”

What I hear Jesus saying is that we are to bring forgiveness to every situation and every relationship all the time. This is where the rub often occurs. Questions like, “How can I ever forgive them for what they have done?” become a real challenge.

What is the alternative to forgiveness? Is it anger, being defined by hurt, pain or a hard spirit? The alternatives of not forgiving turn into real burdens in our lives.

We are not the source of forgiveness. God is. He is unlimited in giving forgiveness. He will also give us the capacity to give and receive forgiveness in every relationship for every situation.

The benefits of forgiveness are real. Through forgiving people we tend to enjoy a greater awareness of the needs of others and experience God’s peace in our lives. We are able to recognize that all of us need grace in our lives. When we forgive, we are not consumed with bitterness, but rather, experience contentment in our lives.

Let forgiveness become the primary currency that is exchanged in your relationships and experience the life and health that comes from it.

Don’t Throw Away What Really Matters

“So don’t throw away this confident trust in the Lord.” The Apostle Paul, Hebrews 10:35

“I’ve had it!” “I am so done!” “I’m out of here!” Most of us have thought or spoken these words of exasperation, hurt, frustration, exhaustion or fear. Sometimes we go a step further and tell God that it is all His fault and we are done with Him, too.

The Apostle Paul jumps into the middle of this reality in the book of Hebrews. Paul reminds us about the awesome sacrifice of Jesus Christ for all that is wrong and evil. He encourages us to work together to lift each other up and to do good in the world. He helps us remember very difficult suffering. Specifically, he references a time when people were being put into jail and stripped of all their personal belongings. It was a hard time.

Paul goes on to remind us that our trust in the Lord has carried us through past difficulties and He will carry us now. His words are for us today. Don’t throw away what really matters. At the top of the list of what really matters is our trust in God. Trusting God is meant to be part of our everyday living. Trusting God connects all of life together and gives us unusual capacity to walk through the most challenging of times. Trusting God reminds us of who has done the “heavy lifting” on our behalf – Jesus Christ. Trusting God reminds us that He is doing much more in our lives than we can see or know. He is thinking about us forever. There are life lasting benefits that come with trusting God.

The next time you are tempted to hang it all up, think again, and remember the Apostle Paul’s words, “So don’t throw away this confident trust in the Lord.”