“It Hurts so Good”

A good back rub by a skilled person often reveals unexpected soreness, tightness and pain amidst the relaxation. As deep tissues and muscles are worked over there is this strange combination of pain and relaxation. “It hurts so good” and the result is some real relief and renewal.

Discipline often reveals a similar reality in our lives. A skilled person identifies areas in our life, and they go to work on it to bring some needed discipline for our relief and renewal. “It hurts so good.”

The Bible has this incredible piece of truth tucked away in the book of Hebrews chapter 12 verse 11: “No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.”

The nature of discipline is to address a situation or to instill a pattern that is for our good. There is often painful adjustments to be made as part of a disciplinary process. The temptation is to reject meaningful discipline because it is hard. However, there is usually some level of recognition on the part of the one receiving the discipline that there is a valid reason and need.

Even though it is not enjoyable at the time, the promised results are incredible: “A peaceful harvest of right living.”

Consider the opposite: “A turbulent harvest of wrong living.” When someone is not open to discipline, their lives begin to dominate everything in ways that are exhausting, wasteful, and hurtful. There is a commitment to shallow enjoyment. Vision for the common good is gone. It is anything but peaceful. It is not abundant. In the end it can leave one bankrupt in every way.

“A peaceful harvest of right living” is like a breath of fresh air in our world today. The path involves receiving needed discipline in our lives. The next time a skilled person applies discipline to your life, and some things are identified that need some work, remember, “It hurts so good.”

Going on a new adventure? Do you want it to go well?

If you were going on a new adventure and knew what you needed to do for it to go well, would you do it?

I have worked with people long enough to know that we often choose to undermine our own lives through decisions that are destructive. Many times we want good outcomes, but our not willing to do the things necessary for this to be possible.

The Israelites were heading out on a new adventure: settling into a new land.

From the scriptures come these words to them: “…If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy.” Let’s break this down a bit.

You will live and multiply: There is a universal desire to live and to increase our presence from one generation to the next. Last night, my parents, now well into their 80s, were taking stock of how many great grandkids they had. I believe the number was 56. They are certainly modern days examples of a vibrant increased presences through the generations.

The Lord your God: This phrase implies belonging, a connection, and a relationship. This is not just about having a religious context or heritage. Through Jesus Christ we have come to understand this as a dynamic personal and community relationship with the Lord our God.

Bless you and the land: One working definition of blessing is the idea of being restored to our original purpose by God and through God. When we think about this in the context of ourselves and the space or land we work off of, this is an encouraging perspective.

Enter and Occupy: One of the roles of leaders is to enter and occupy space in this world for the good of others. It was 11 years ago that Warm Beach Camp was invited to begin ministry to people with developmental disabilities. This has taken a major commitment and it has required us to enter and occupy into a space and place we have never been before. What a blessing.

All of this makes you wonder what is the answer to the “if you do this”. Thankfully God doesn’t leave us wondering: “For I command you this day to love the Lord your God and to keep his commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in his ways.” (Deuteronomy 30:16)

This is one of those classic “easier said than done” commands. However, before you and I despair about our faltering ability to do this, think about what the possibilities are to accomplish this kind of willful alignment with God.

Jesus: Jesus fulfilled the laws of God. Along with the laws of God he brought to the forefront God’s grace. What this means is that by being in a relationship with Jesus Christ, it is through Him that we come into alignment with God. Scripture even says that we are viewed as righteous through Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit: We are not on our own. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. God does not leave us wondering about what to do. He makes it very clear. The Holy Spirit is a key part of God’s clarity in our lives.

Scripture: The truth is, God’s word speaks God’s life and ways into each one of us if we will spend time in it. Even this devotional today is made possible by just one verse in God’s life giving word.

Community: This is written to a group of people, not just an individual. We are meant to do this life together, with each other and for each other.

Is God asking you start on a new adventure? Is there some space you are to take occupation of for the good of this world?

Love the Lord our God and follow Him through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Jesus, Belief and Judgement (10 things you might want to know)

Have you ever been judged for your belief in someone or something? Who is it that was passing judgement on you? Was the judgment fair?

The bible has record of a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a religious leader. He was trying to understand Jesus. In this story Jesus shares some incredible things:

#1. There is a spiritual life that is initiated by God’s Holy Spirit. It has a clear beginning. Jesus compared it to birth, a new life born to live.
#2. This spiritual life is what gives people the ability to understand God and the work of God’s kingdom. We can’t make sense of God without this spiritual life.
#3. God loves the world. He sent His one and only Son to bring us into relationship with Him forever.
#4. God did not send Jesus into the world to judge it, but rather, to save it.
#5. There is no judgement by God or from God against anyone who believes in Jesus.
#6. There is a judgement by God for those who do not believe in Jesus as God’s one and only Son.
#7. The judgement is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than light, for their actions were evil.
#8. People who love evil are afraid of having their sin exposed, so they avoid Jesus.
#9. To those who do what is right, they draw near to Jesus. In doing this others can see their commitment to doing what God wants.
#10. Ultimately, relationship with God is determined by belief in Jesus as God’s one and only son.

What God has provided us through Jesus Christ is a relationship that fulfills any judgement on my life for sin and brokenness. A ruling of judgement is completely satisfied (sentence fulfilled) through belief in Jesus Christ as God’s one and only son.

While the world may judge for expressions of faith, and religion, especially related to Jesus, God releases me from judgement and invites me into the spiritual life of His Kingdom forever.

It’s an easy choice.
(John 3:1-21)

To Our Young Leaders

Thank you young leaders.

This morning is a shout out of gratitude to young leaders. Over the next 10-15 years you will be leading nearly every organizational effort. You are incredibly important to today. You are the foundation of the future. To young leaders following Christ, you will shape the spiritual tone of an entire culture.

In the bible, the apostle Paul writes a couple of letters to a young leader. His name is Timothy. Paul has counsel for Timothy in navigating the unique issues young leaders face: Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity. Until I get there, focus on the Scriptures to the church, encouraging the believers, and teaching them. (1 Timothy 4:12-13)

A few points of focus:

1. Stand with humble confidence, even if others are more experienced. The Lord has raised you into leadership. He has purposes and reasons for doing this. He is confident in you.
2. Be a good example with your life. In matters of lifestyle, love, faith, and purity, set an example that others will follow and be thankful for.
3. Stay focused on God’s word. Scripture is the bedrock expression of who God is. He is the source of all leadership. Scripture is rich with wisdom. In a very real sense, it gives life.
4. Encourage other followers of Jesus. People need encouragement today. Bring it.
5. Teach well. There is a real need for good teaching today. Take time to teach well.

Thank you for being a young leader.