The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.
Proverbs 18:21 NLT
Words, conversation, speeches, storytelling, and table talk have one thing in common. They contribute to death or life in this world.
We don’t often think of the power of words and speech in such significant terms. Often, we justify our words with phrases like “They are too sensitive!”, “I have a right and freedom to speak my mind.” To the talkers out there (I am including myself in this notable bunch), these words remind us of the significant impact words can have on others. The stakes are high. The consequences are matters of life and death.
God’s words include life, abundance, truth, forgiveness, justice, honesty, kindness, wisdom, love, hope, unity, mercy, and grace.
Satan’s words focus on power, deceit destruction, trickery, manipulation, exaggeration, pride, self-sufficiency, division, and hate.
What is the source and intent of our words? Talkers beware.
Everyone knows that we have drawn words and speech from the good sources of God and the bad sources of Satan. Following Jesus, we desire the good words of God. We are challenged to let the Holy Spirit transform our speech from evil to good. We are called to be giving life and abundance to those around us with our conversation.
We also experience the reality of setbacks with our speech that create harm, and hurt, and point us towards death. This is a terrible thing to experience or witness.
May we know the beautiful consequences of life-giving words. May we also know the toxic consequences of speaking words that flow from the well of death and evil. With God’s help, may our words become more and more about life.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalms 19:14 NLT. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide speech. Give life to others in your conversation.
Dear Jesus, please help all of us talkers understand what is at stake with our words. Holy Spirit please work with us on our conversation and speech. Please lead us in sourcing our minds and heart with inputs that lead to good words of life for everyone in this world.
In Your name Jesus, we pray, Amen